Monday, December 2, 2013

Gain insights into Better Pain Management

Pain Management | Comprehensive Pain Management Center

Chronic pain is a serious condition that affects more than 100 million Americans.  It can be debilitating and devastating to those who suffer, even leading to loss of employment, livelihood and depression.  But for those who are dealing with chronic pain, you do not have to resolve to live out your life in misery.  There are effective and beneficial ways to gain better pain management and to live the life you were meant to lead.

Though it may sound a little new age, the use of acupuncture is one technique that has been proven to reduce the effect of pain upon the body without the use of pharmaceutical means.  By pinpointing nerves along nerves channels, the needles can regulate the Qi (energy that resides in our body) and restrict the feelings in these nerves.  Much debate has been brought about by the use of acupuncture, especially here in the west, but it has been practiced throughout China since about 100 B.C.E. with the discovery of an ancient text describing the use of acupuncture.   Those that have chronic pain have and use acupuncture for pain management swear by its healing properties as they claim that it lessens irritation and nausea sometimes brought about by severe pain.
Biofeedback is another technique that is commonly considered when treating chronic pain without the use of prescription medication.  Using relaxation techniques, biofeedback is a great way to relieve aches and pain brought on by stress.  Often times, migraine headaches result from situations where stress and fatigue build up, if you can train your muscles to relax, this can bring about great relief to points all over your body.  There are trained biofeedback technicians that use machines to signal stress points on your body.  They apply sensors, which the machine will light up to show the areas under duress.  By concentrating on those points, you can begin to allow your body to relax.  Biofeedback is considered a complementary therapy, used in conjunction with other treatments.  Pain management is a crucial part of achieving wellness, reducing the effects of it will allow you to more freely live your life.

For more pain management tips from a pain doctor, visit

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